Slush Invaders Fanon Wiki

Episode 1: New,Blue and Little[]

Narrator:Today is one sunny day, The Raiders are doing whatever they want and Stno, of course, is trying to find new ways to use his cyan energy

Nothing Special[]

Stno's Dorm : 3:50 P.M[]

Stno:Geez, nothing ever happens around here since we stopped Reverse, his cronies and the others

Ra:Without something happenin, it's basically nothin here

Rakion:Right. so what do we do now.

(Sees Tekno Tinkering with a strange machine)

Stno: Tekster? What exactly are you doing?

Tekno:i'm making a porteleporter


Rakion:A Teleporter, we can be able to visit any place we want undetected

Tekno: Like so (Puts his hand trough the portal and grabs one of Ben's Lightsabers)

Stno:Nice! maybe we can use that for fun

Tekno:There are still minor modifications i still need to do to this thing

Rakion:Whatever, hey, wanna watch "The Lego Movie?"

Ra;I'm alright with it


Tekno:Alright, i do need a break after fixing that machine

Rakion:Alright, let's go! (the Group leave)

Nolik's Arrival[]

Outside Stno's Dorm: 6:30 P.M[]


Rakion:Can you cut that out Stno, it's getting repetitive

Ra:I Thought it was catchy

Tekno:(With a poker face) You have weird tastes in music Ra

Stno:Anyway,(Opens the door)Will you help me train in---------- WHAT THE?

(The Guys see an unconsious stickkid with an appearance similar to this ------>

Ra:Umm, is it me, or do i see a dead stickman in the middle of the room?

???:(Regains consiousness)Oh mama mia, my head is spinning!(Sees the Other Stickmen) Oh my (Turns into an oversized screw)

Tekno:Wow, not even Garyn's inventions could analyze THAT!

(Stno Interacts with the screw, before turning back into the stickman)

Rakion:Just WHO ARE YOU?

???:Umm, I Already broke the code once, and i'm not breaking the code again


Ra:Tell us who you are (Puts up fist) We have other means of making you talk

(??? Is in fear)

Stno: Ra? Stop hurting him

Ra:Wha? He Won't tell us his name

Stno:Didn't you hear him, he won't tell us because he has to hide his exsistance

Tekno:Wha. Why?

Stno:We will have to wait tommorow to Question him

Ra:Alright, Let's Train

Stno,Tekno and Rakion :YEAH!

???:Train for what?

Ra:Stno wants to find new ways to use his powers

???:Powers? Like Electricity.

Tekno:Cyan energy.



Tekno: Fine dad, hey I'll catch up with ya later

Stno's Dorm: 9:00 P.M[]

(Stno gets ready for bed)

???:Umm, can i sleep with you?

Stno:Huh? Why?

???:Because i might have nightmares. I Usually sleep with my Masiya


Tekno:C'mon! Turn off the lights

Stno:Fine, you can sleep here tonight


Ra:Stno! Close the Lights

Stno:Alright! (Turns off the lights and everybody goes to bed)

Stno's Dorm: 11:30 P.M[]

???:(In His Sleep)N-No! Masiya, Papus, Simka? Where are you?

(Stno wakes up because of this)


(??? Twists and turns in his bed)

Stno:Hey, hey, wake up!

???:(Wakes up) huh? AHH! oh, it's you

Stno:You had a nightmare?

???:Yes i did

Stno:If that's the case, you can sleep next to me


Stno's Dorm: 8:45 A.M[]

(Stno and ??? Are With the Rakion Raiders)





Shadow:Umm Stno, Who Exactly is he?

Stno:I Saw him before when i was watching "The Fixies" With him a few hours ago, so guys: This is Nolik


Zora:How did he get here in the first place?

Tekno:Must be the Teleportal

Ra:I Thought it was the porteleporter

Stno:So "Nolik" What's your job

Nolik:With my family, i fix every device that is broken, when i'm not doing that, i play with Simka and Tom Thomas

Jamaica:The Pussycat?


Nolik:She is my sister.

Shadow: Siblings much?

Nolik:We are fast, strong and crafty, we use this to help us in our jobs

Jamaica:Looks like Tekno has a rival!

Tekno:Shut your mouth!

Zora:Any Abilities?

Nolik:I Just said them

Rakion:No, he means any abilities that can help us in battle


Stno:He's only five years old, so don't expect much on him, I did see he had good swordsmanship though

Ra:To Fix some glue

Stno:Anyway, we better show him the ropes around here so he won't get caught up in the confusion

Episode 2: Finding Power[]


Drillfield: 1:00 P.M[]


Stno:They are the invaders that want to capture us and turn us into blues

Tekno:Just think they are aliens invading Slusher

Ra:You need a power to fend them off

Nolik:What kind of power

Stno:Depends on what you're good at...

Nolik the Archer[]

Zora's Dorm: 1:03 P.M[]

(Zora is Seen Practicing archery)


Zora:What is it? Bet you are not gonna tell everyone that incedent a few months ago?

Stno:N-No, i want you to train him (Points to nolik, who is waving)

Zora:That kid?... Alright

Zora's Dorm: 2:25 P.M[]

(Nolik seen holding a bow and arrow, then shoots, the arrow bounces around the room and goes out teh window, hitting Zero)

Zero:(From the window)OW!

Zora:I Think you're bad at this

Nolik:I'm not an expert at that.

StZero:(Bursting the Door open) WHO SHOT THAT ARROW?

Zora:Wasn't me! I was teaching Nolik how to shoot

Zero:Nolik? You mean that little blue?


(Zero Proceeds to Attack Nolik, only to be stopped by Stno)

Stno:Zero, he's only a little kid, don't think of him as a maverick, or blue for that matter.

Zero:Then why did he shoot?

Stno:We're trying to find what is nolik's power.

Zora:I Head he was a great swordsman



Zero's Dorm: 2:50 P.M[]

(Nolik and Zero enter Zero's dorm)

Axl:Hey zero! (Spots Nolik) Who's the Small fry?

Zero:A new recruit, His name is Nolik, i'm training him

Axl:Nolik? Why you training him Zero?

Zero:Stno says i have to help him find his power

Axl:Alright, just make sure he does not demolish the Building kay?


Zero's Dorm: 3:00 P.M[]

(Nolik is seen holding a Sabre)

Zero:So Nole, if you want to find your power, then you can copy this (Does a Variety of Moves From Megaman X 4-8, Ending with tenhousha)


Zero:Now you try

(Nolik Attempts to copy all of zero's techuniques, but only after the first one, Nolik's Sabre Flies out of his hand, Hitting Axl)

Zero:This is bad

Axl: Zero? Whose saber is this? (Points to the saber Stabbed in his chest)


Axl:Maybe he is not good with Swords,maybe

Nolik the Gunman[]

(Nolik is seen with one of Axl's guns)

Axl:If you want to be a gunman,you need accuracy, and i'm here to give you that

(Axl Shoots 3 Cans, with each shot knocking the cans down)

Axl:Now you try

Zero's Dorm: 3:15 P.M[]

(The Scene shows Nolik's failed attempts to hit the cans)

Axl:No! Not like---

(Nolik Acidentally Shoots Axl)

(Stno Bursts trough the door)

Stno:What is going on around ---(Doges one of nolik's shots) Here?

Axl:Teaching him how to use a gun

Stno:Nolik is only 5 Years old! How could you teach him that!

Axl:I Had no other choice

(Stno Grabs nolik)

Stno:I Think i should take him away from here)

The Discovery[]

Tekno's Dorm: 4:00 P.M[]

Tekno:So many Failed Attempts, HOW COULD WE FIND NOLIK'S---

Nolik:J-Just stop, maybe i am not supposed to have a power, maybe i can i don't know, turn on the TV with my mind or someting ,But maybe not

(The TV Turns on)

Stno:Umm, who had the remote?

Tekno:No one

(They stare at the TV, then at nolik)

Stno:I Think we found his power

Tekno:The Power to Manipulate Gadgets at will!

Nolik:Really? (Stares at the lights,then they turn off, the computer, the cursor moves without the mouse moving)I DO HAVE A POWER!

Episode 3:Concerned[]

(Nolik Plays around with his power, pranking everyone with a device, he turns on Tekno's Portal device and it opens, with Simka on the other Side)

Stno's Dorm: 5:30 P.M[]

Simka:Nolik! What are you doing there, and why do you look like that?

Nolik:I Don't know, but i finally have a power i can use!

Simka:Power?(Sarcastically) Yeah right.

Nolik:You have to believe me, i had one of the most wonderful day of my life!

(Stno and the Rakion Raiders Go into Stno's Dorm)

Nolik:First i had Arche----

Stno:Nolik? What are you doing here? and Who are you talking to?

Nolik:Simka, my sister, Why dont you meet her?

(Stno and the others walk up to the portal)

Simka:Umm, who are you?

Stno:I am---(Gets cut off by martial)

Martial:We should be asking YOU that question


Zora:Who are you in the First place?


Cyil:What do you do?


Shadow:Where do you train?


(The Team is Silenced)

Stno:I Am Stnoriel, Leader of the Slashers, the group that was asking you earlier was the Rakion Raiders

Simka:Raiders? Do they Pillage Villages or Anything?

Rakion:Not that kind of Raiders!

Stno:I'm guessing you and Nolik are Siblings.

Simka:Exactly, Nolik keeps being a jokester and usually gives us a job, because he keeps breaking things.

Stno:(Wow, Ironic for a Fixie) Anyway, can you come here for a second, into OUR realm?

Simka:Alright (Goes into the portal, but it spits her out)Strange.


Simka:Nolik was able to pass trought that hole, but not me

Tekno:That's because you don't have a preloaded Stickman form


Stno:Nolik was Able to Enter Because he Already has a stickman form i Drew him (Grabs a page from tthe fanfic Including Stnolik's Picture) See?

Simka:I Get it, so I Won;t be able to enter if don't have a form like that?

Rakion:Pretty much

Simka:Alright, You gonna have to draw me one, while i wait, provided that tom Thomas does not break anything else

Tekno:Understood (Closes the Portal)

Rakion:You better Draw one

Episode 4:Hey! Template:USERNAME Is Watching! []

Stno's Dorm: 6:00 P.M[]

(Stno is Seen on the Computer, Drawing a Brown and Orange-Bordered Stickman)

Rakion:Umm Stno? Who are you Drawing?

Stno:Simka, why?

Rakion:Alright-- Huh??


Rakion:Slush Invaders Wiki Chat? What's that

Stno:IDK, But the Reason I Opened that is so i thought anybody was online

Rakion:What the?

Tekno:So If you are Writing this, does this mean ...

Stezon:HEY! A User by the Name of Template:USERNAME Is Reading this!


Stezon:He is Watching you make this:

Rakion:Wait, Xtra Dimension? Whazzat?


Narrator:It is one Bright and sunny---

Stno's Dorm: 7:00 P.M[]



Rakion:Hey. Whatcha Playing?

Stno:Five nights at FRIKIN FREDDYS!

Ra:What night are you on?


Ra:No wonder

Rakion:Yeah, i actually Rage Quitted a few times trying to beat 4/20 mode. (Lightbulb above head)I Have an idea


Rakion:I Want you to (Whispers to Stno's ear).


Rakion: I Dare you to do it!


Tekno:I'll agree with him, one time, His sister told the story of the "Fixie Eaters". Then nolik got scared Stiff

Rakion:C'mon! Just once!

Stno:*Groans* Fine. But if he get's nightmares, I'm personally gonna stuff you in a suit!

Stno's Dorm: 11:00 A.M.[]

Nolik:You want me to play a game?

Stno:Of course, It's called five nights at freddys.

Nolik:Why is it called that?

Rakion:You must spend five nights at the place as a security guard

Nolik:Security Guard?

Stno:Yeah, and you have to "Spend" Five nights there

Ra:Let's get the Game Started

{Game Hours: 12 A.M.}[]

Note:{} - In Game

{Phone Guy+: Hello, hello? Uh, I wanted to record a message for you to help you get settled in on your first night. Um, I actually worked in that office before you. I'm finishing up my last week now, as a matter of fact. So, I know it can be a bit overwhelming, but I'm here to tell you there's nothing to worry about.}



{Phone Guy: Uh, let's see, first there's an introductory greeting from the company that I'm supposed to read. Uh, it's kind of a legal thing, you know.}

Ra:(Sarcastically) Oh! Legal Stuff!

{Phone Guy+: Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. A magical place for kids and grown-ups alike, where fantasy and fun come to life. Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for damage to property or person.}

Nolik:Wow! I Wish that was real!

{Phone Guy+: Upon discovering that damage or de--}(Stno Uses Nolik's Device manipulation to fast forward the Scary things for nolik){Uh, now concerning your safety, the only real risk to you as a night watchman here, if any, is the fact that these characters, uh, if they happen to see you after hours probably won't recognize you as a person. They'll p-most likely see you as a metal endoskeleton without its costume on. Now since that's against the rules here at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, they'll probably try to...forcefully stuff you inside a Freddy Fazbear suit.}

Nolik:Forcefully Stuff me?

{Game Hours: 2 P.M}[]

{Phone Guy:. Um, now, that wouldn't be so bad if the suits themselves weren't filled with cr----(Stno Uses Nolik's Device manipulation to fast forward the Scary things for nolik)Y-Yeah, they don't tell you these things when you sign up. But hey, first day should be a breeze. I'll chat with you tomorrow. Uh, check those cameras, and remember to close the doors only if absolutely necessary. Gotta conserve power. Alright, good night.}

Tekno: First night on the Job!

Nolik: Yes! Now if you excuse me, i'll {Checks Show Stage Camera, to find Bonnie Missing} FREAK OUT!{ Checks the Cameras to see Bonnie Hasn't gotten far, he is at the Dining room}

Stno:Oh Geed! He's Moving! HE'S MOVING!

{Nolik Puts the Camera Down}

Nolik:Who'se idea is to make me play this game!

Stno:Not me

{Game Hours: 4 P.M}[]

{Nolik Checks the hall lights to Find Bonne in the hallway


{Stno Closes the doors}

Ra:You have limited power, and by the looks of it

{Power is at 25%}

Rakion:You'll Lose the First night

{Game Hours: 5 P.M}[]

{Power is at 10%}

Stno:You should have lost by now

{Nolik Checks the hall lights to Find Bonne in the hallway


{Stno Closes the doors}

Stno:Is this going to be a Running----

{Turns 6 A.M/}


Nolik:Hurray! I Beat the game

Rakion:You have a long way to go before you beat all five nights.

Ra:That was only the First night

{Game Hours: Night 2: 1 P.M}[]

{As Nolik Cycles trough the cameras, Bonnie Forces it down, killing the player, scares nolik, and delivers him to the game over screen}

Nolik: (Scared out his wits) What was that?

Stno:What happens when you get Killed (Covers his mouth)


Rakion:This is gonna be Bad for Nolik

{Five nights at Freddys Song Plays as a montage of Nolik's Deaths, Jumpscares and Stno Closing the Door for nolik (Stno:Yep, It's a running gag)

Stno's Dorm: 3:00 P.M.[]

Nolik:(Panting) I Don't want to play that again

Tekno: I'm impressed that Nolik Managed to get to Night 4

Ra:I'm Suprised he made it.

Nolik:I Just don't want to be scared Ag--- (Tekno Plays a Clip of Freddy's Power on attack when Nolik Faces the Screen)---AIN! (Falls into a coma)

(Poker Faces)

Stno:Told you that was a bad idea

End of Episode 5 and Set 1

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